The financial world is large and often difficult to understand. Everyone knows the countless credit offers of banks and savings banks, which are advertised in many media. A good overview of all offers is usually not possible, so it helps to compare credits online. The conditions at which the loan is granted are too different. Below you will find some useful tips for comparing different loans.
Taking out a loan - which points should be considered?
First of all, it is important to mention that the cheapest loan does not always have to be the best, as many other modalities have to be considered in addition to the interest rate. For example, many banks offer the possibility of special repayments. These extra services are ultimately also reflected in the interest rate level. If one wants to take up a credit one has in principle a legal right of revocation.
However, some banks also offer an extended right of withdrawal, which is another modality of the credit agreement and sets an important benchmark for a settlement. Payment pauses can also be of interest for some borrowers. For an optimal settlement all desired conditions must be indicated.
These can often have a strong impact on the interest rate level. This includes the term, the loan amount, the intended purpose and the creditworthiness of the borrower. The comparison is based on the annual percentage rate of charge - only this gives a usable indication of how expensive the loan really is.
Taking out a loan - not just looking at interest rates when making a comparison
If you want to take out a loan, you should also compare the valuations. On many portals that offer a comparison of different loan agreements, you can also view evaluations of borrowers. In many cases, there are even detailed test reports that can influence the decision.
A good customer service can be a clear competitive advantage from a borrower's point of view. Furthermore, it can also be useful to study all product details carefully. Possibly conditions are indicated here, which are particularly desired or also not desired. These can be, for example, processing or account maintenance fees.
If you are taking out a loan, you should also consider taking out installment insurance. The insurance will cover you if, for example, you become unemployed through no fault of your own or otherwise become insolvent.
Taking out a loan - Interest rate depends on many factors
The interest level depends not only on the term and the loan amount, but also on the credit rating. The higher the income and the lower the number of dependents they are, the higher the creditworthiness. Exact details are based on ยง 805c of the Code of Civil Procedure (exemption from seizure limits).
In addition, existing assets can also influence creditworthiness. If you want to take out a loan and save a lot of money, you should consider a guarantee. Do you have a sufficiently solvent relative or friend? He or she could use a guarantee to significantly reduce the bank's risk interest surcharges, as banks protect themselves against a potential default with increased interest rates.
However, you can also take out a loan without a guarantee. As can be seen from many portals, a comparison can in any case lead to saving a lot of money. Such a comparison works within a few seconds. If you have found the right offer and want to take out a loan, you can usually send the appropriate bank an inquiry immediately and often get a quick answer.